Saturday, June 29, 2024

My June WIPocalypse Update

Time for another WIPocalypse update. This month I made progress on 4 projects including my "Candy Nutcracker" stocking shown above. I finished stitching the ice cream cone this month.

I also stitched on "Linen Sampler", making a few inches of progress on the border.

I finished the stitching on the red and white striped bunting on my "Summer Sampler" by Sandy Orton.

I also stitched on my "Autumn Sampler" by Sandy Orton.  I finished the marbles and tape measure on the lower right hand border.

So ... some progress was made this month.  Even though I didn't make time to stitch every day, I think I am doing better than I have during previous months.

Topic of the month: Half-year recap:  How are you doing with your goals so far this year?

This year has been tough.  I didn't set any goals, and am just happy to be able to stitch at all.  I am happy with any progress I have made, and hope to be back to goal setting and more regular stitching soon.

I look forward to seeing what everyone has been working on!
Happy Stitching!

Thursday, May 30, 2024

my May WIPocalypse update

Time for the May WIPocalypse update.  These are all projects I hope to finish before the end of the world.  Despite having continuing vision issues, I managed to work on a few of my projects. 

I stitched on "Butterfly Forest" making quite a bit of progress on the background trees, and to the large butterfly wing.

Butterfly Forest

I also made progress on the "Candy Nutcracker" stocking that I am stitching.

Candy Nutcracker Stocking

I stitched a bit on my "Cut thru' Pirate Ship".

Cut thru' Pirate Ship

And I was happy to work on my "Cut thru' Haunted House", which is my favorite current project.

Cut thru' Haunted House

I also completed rows on my "Monterey Sunset" latch hooked rug, which is much easier to do when my eyes won't cooperate.  I will post photos in a future update when I am further along.

Question of the month:  How do you personally distinguish between a Work in Progress (WIP) and an Unfinished Object (UFO)?

Like many other stitchers, I tend to consider my projects as WIPs until I decide that I am no longer going to work on the project.  I haven't completely given up on any, yet... so I consider them all WIPs.  LOL

I hope to make continued progress on my WIPs, even if it is slow progress.  I feel the need for a finish or two in the upcoming months.

Happy Stitching!

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February WIPocalypse Update

Napping Kitten
It's time for another WIPocalypse update.  These are projects that I am trying to finish before the world ends. LOL.

This month I worked on several projects.  I made some progress on "Napping Kitten".  The image below shows where I left off the last time I worked on it.

I also stitched quite a bit on my "Castle Sampler" by Teresa Wentzler.  I am stitching this project on 28 ct evenweave.  Several sections of the border are stitched over 1 thread, and the central areas are stitched over 2 threads.  I purchased this kit on ebay many years ago for a steal.  The original owner had sorted and organized the threads, made blown up copies of the chart, and started stitching ... however misunderstood the instructions and was stitching the center portion over 1 thread.  It took me a bit to frog out the stitched portion, but it was worth the effort.  It will be beautiful when completed.

I continued my progress on "Afternoon Nap".  

I also stitched on my "Spring Sampler".  The cologne girl's face looks a little funny, but will come into focus once I put in the final stitches and add the back stitching.  

That sums up my stitching this month.  I have been having terrible trouble with my eyesight for the past year, so I am happy that I am making steady progress once again.  I feel incentive to complete as many of my projects as I can, while I am able.

Thanks for stopping by.  Happy Stitching!

Thursday, February 01, 2024

January WIPocalypse Update

Eeyore and Bees
It has been quite awhile since I have posted a WIPocalypse update.  I have finished some of my WIPs, and started a few new ones since my last update.  I will stick to progress I made most recently.  Here are my updates for 2024.

I finished "Eeyore and Bees", which was a gifted kit from my sister.  

I made good progress on Afternoon Nap"

Here is where I left off last time:

I also put some stitching time into my Pandemic sampler:

I made progress on my Bothy Threads Cut 'thru Haunted House:

I also worked on "Halloween Pumpkin":

And my Bothy Threads Cut 'thru Pirate Ship:

I really hope to have some finishes on my older WIPs this year.  I currently have under 40 WIPs  ... but I was gifted several kits that are waiting to be started.  LOL.  

Question of the Month: Tell us about the oldest WIP you have in your stash.

I have 9 WIPs on my list that were started in the 90's.  They were among several kits that had been packed and put into storage during a move.  When I found the box in storage, I pulled out several kits and added them to my WIP list.  I did finish 2 of the added stash and hope to finish more this year.

That's all for this update.  I hope you are all well, and wish you happy stitching!
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