Saturday, November 06, 2004

recovery from the flu

Feeling a bit better after having the flu for the past few days. It wasn't the worst I've ever felt, and I actually managed to keep up with work.

Also some good luck for a change! I had a huge order placed at my CafePress store. When I first saw it, I laughed & thought "oh, it must be some sort of scam" and that it would be declined before it ever went into production... however, the order was good & has been completed. When all is said and done, I will collect nearly $500 in commission and bonuses from that one order! (happy dance) I never even dreamed of making $500 in a day! Wow.

That was the best medicine for feeling lousy that I ever had!


  1. First, glad you're feeling better! :-) Second, WOO HOO about your CP order - that's FABULOUS! Congratulations!

  2. thanks. a big woo-hoo! I also will be getting an extra 15% commission on base of all of my other sales this month due to that one big sale. I'm lovin' CafePress more and more as time goes by!


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