Monday, January 08, 2018

2018 WIPocalypse Goals

Dutch Sampler - Sandy Orton
I am once again participating in the WIPocalypse stitch-a-long.  These are all of the projects that I have started and hope to finish before the world ends. 

My current WIP list has a total of 44 WIPs (several of which date back to the 90's).  I currently have 10 projects by Sandy Orton in progress.   Her samplers appeal to me on many levels.  I love the busy designs, the specialty stitches, and the variety of projects.

I would like to have some finishes this year ... I see so many great designs I would love to stitch, but am holding back until my WIP list is smaller. 

Goal 1: Finish "Dutch Sampler" (shown above).
Goal 2: Make significant progress on each of my samplers. 
Goal 3: Work at least a little bit on each of my 44 projects.

Here are some of the goal photos from samplers I am stitching:

American Sampler - Sandy Orton
To Everything A Season - Samdy Orton
Spanish Sampler - Sandy Orton
The Four Seasons (Four Samplers) by Sandy Orton
I have participated in several stitch-a-longs over the years including the Halloween Ornament and Christmas Ornament SALs, Gifted Gorgeousness, and of course the WIPocalypse SAL.  I plan to keep participating as much as my schedule allows.

I look forward to seeing what everyone else is stitching & hope for a productive new year.
Happy Stitching!


  1. Cheryl, these are gorgeous samplers. i can't wait to see them progress over this year.

  2. Love your projects and will enjoy watching your progress.

  3. You have some gorgeous samplers going! I wish you lots of progress towards your goals this year :)

  4. Fabulous selection of samplers.

  5. I detect a bit of a theme in these samplers! Sandy Orton has certainly designed some beautiful pieces.

  6. Those samplers are intense, but they are gorgeous! Good luck.

  7. Great selection of projects Cheryl. I love the 4 seasons. I bought the kits several years ago but have never started them.



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